Bot is provided with one (1) addon by default. It's used to show how to create addons and to explain which field does what.
const { set: setCommand } = require("../../handlers/commands");
const { set: setEvent } = require("../../handlers/events");
const fs = require("fs");
const yaml = require("js-yaml");
// Load Addon's Configuration, 'example' = addon name
const config = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync('./addons/example/addon_config.yml', 'utf8')); = (client) => {
setCommand(client, {
name: "example",
description: "Example Description",
usage: "Example Usage",
permissions: [],
aliases: [],
category: "addon",
listed: false,
slash: true,
async run(message, args) {{ content: "Example Addon - Normal Command." })
async slashRun(interaction, args) {
interaction.reply({ content: "Example Addon - Slash Command." })
setEvent(client, {
name: 'ready',
async run() {
console.log("Example Addon - ready Event")