Custom Content Blocks
Documentation on how to add more Content Blocks below the main one.
By default, when you create your store and install theme, you'll just have one main content block with Homepage Text. If you want to customise your store even more by adding block for e.g. Terms, Support or any other topic to the homepage below the main one, you can do that by adding code directly to index.html
Adding new blocks can be done in few steps:
Launch Template Editor and open
from the sidebarScroll down until you see the place for custom blocks
Between that two comments, you can place your custom blocks, below this steps, you can see the structure/code for the custom block
After you pasted and edited your custom block, click 'Publish' bottom from the top
Block Code
This is the code of the Custom Content Block. At the bottom, instead of Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
text, you'll place content of your block. Icon of Block Title uses FontAwesome, in this example fas fa-cube
represents the cube icon in the title and 'Custom Block' text is the title.
Last updated
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